A History of the Cloud Based Bug Tracker

 Since the early nineties technology has been growing and evolving at a rapid pace. With all of the tablets and smartphones it's difficult to look back and remember where it all began. However, even though technology is growing and changing, that means that something not quite as welcoming is growing and changing with it - bugs, or issues within technology. Any scientist or engineer or average customer will admit that no technology is perfect. No matter how many tests or runs an engineer will make on a product or software, unprecedented problems will likely occur. This why the defect tracking tool and the cloud based bug tracker were created - to track and eventually fix these problems. But where did these tracking tools originate - who and where were they created? This article will cover when and where the cloud based bug tracker and the defect tracking tool were discovered.

The History of Cloud Computing

To determine the source of the cloud based bug tracker, it's also important to discover the source of cloud computing since there would be no cloud based bug tracker without first the cloud computing concept. Sources have some debate about who should take the credit for creating the cloud computing concept, or the "intergalactic computer network". Some sources say that the creation of ARPANET (Advanced Research Projects Agency Networks) in 1969 by J.C.R. Licklider was what led to cloud computing. While he might not have actually created the first cloud computing system, the vision of people all over the world being able to connect to one computer system was his. Other scientists credit the concept to computer scientist John McCarthy, who had a Cloudy  idea as Licklider of computing as a "public utility". So ultimately it's hard to say who created the first cloud computing device, but something that's common with all sources is the date - that being the sixties.

The History of the Cloud Based Bug Tracker

While there is some debate to who discovered the cloud computing concept, there is no debate to who discovered the first bug tracker tool and sources say that Chun-Pin Wang (or Alex Wang as his American name) holds this credit. A very simplified bug tracking and feedback system was created for the company that he worked for, Synology Inc. But bug tracking goes back much farther than that. Sources say that as early as 1947 an even more simplified bug tracking system was developed - using pen and paper to record the issues. In the nineties when computers began to get popular this pen and paper method developed into using spreadsheets as electronic catalogs. While these methods were manageable Wang's development of the first electronic bug tracking system proved to be extremely beneficial for companies of all kinds.

Since Wang's development of the defect tracking tool, there have been continuous advancements including the cloud based bug tracker. Technology is one of the most rapidly growing fields around, and there are sure to be more advancements in the years to come but now companies who are interested in adopting one of these tools know when and who originated it.


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